Sunday, October 2, 2011


I have so much to catch up on! With all the assessments, it has been a mad house in my classroom! So much to do...not enough time in the day! :)

A couple weeks ago we were introduced to nouns.  This was a review for the majority of the students. So, for our culminating activity for the week we created "Noun Town" an idea I snagged from the amazing Sarah Cooley at First Grader..At Last!

 Then it was time for Constitution Day! I grabbed the freebie from Amanda at One Extra Degree.  Her Constitution mini-unit was **PERFECT** Even though some of the vocabulary was a little over their heads, most understood the concepts and we made connections to our classroom!
 {for the life of me, I can NOT get this stinking photo to upload in the right direction} I saw the adorable heart-shaped flags on Pinterest and KNEW I had to have my kiddos add those as their artwork!
 Then, out of NOWHERE, it was Johnny Appleseed's birthday and time to celebrate and learn all about those delicious, healthy, snacks!
After reading several fictional and nonfictional stories on apples we created this adorable parts of an apple visual!
 We then read The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree and created these fingerprint visuals of apple trees in each season.  The kiddos picked which season they wanted their apple tree to be in, painted the trunk, and then used their tiny fingers to make the leaves, apples, and blossoms {depending on their season}.
 I then had them fill in this simple sentence to go along with their tree.  Super easy and the kids LOVED getting to fingerpaint!
 On Friday, we made this freakin ADORABLE apple-stamped wreath! I found this on Pinterest {my FAVORITE website to find ideas}. Thankfully, I had an amazing parent in the room to help me get these started! The kids stamped a apple in red paint, then onto white paper.  They used a paintbrush to draw the stem and leaf. Then they painted a paper plate brown.  After the apples were done drying, they cut them out and glued them onto their wreath. Easy, cute, and fun for the little ones!
 The following is a picture of my "Brain Break" sticks! If found this activity somewhere on blogland {if it is your creation PLEASE contact me so I can give credit where credit is due}.  Each popscicle stick has an activity on it {like spin 3x, jump rope, macarena, seat swap, etc...}.  When I see that the kids are starting to fade away, I stop and say "man, our brains need to take a break...lets do a brain break." Then I randomly select a popsicle stick and we do the activity together.  The kids absolutely go NUTS for these fun little activities.  None last longer than a minute and it's a great way to get them focused!

On another note, thank you to ALL you wonderful teachers who have selected me for blog awards! I have been super busy but wanted to take a second to express my gratitude! I never expected for this little blog to be so inspiring. I love that I have a place to gather all my ideas that I've 'snagged' from other amazing teachers, as well as a few that are my own! I appreciate all of you!!
Happy Fall!


  1. LOVE the noun town idea. I'm starting nouns in a couple of weeks, and I think this is something my big kids would LOVE! I could integrate it with art, and throw some perspective lessons in there ... wheels are turning ...
    Thanks for a GREAT idea!

    Runde's Room

  2. I use the same Brain Break sticks. My 2nd graders love them too!

  3. I just awarded you the I HEART YOUR BLOG award!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  4. Do you have the activities listed somewhere for your brain breaks idea? I would love to do this in my classroom!


  5. I'm not sure if these are the same brain break sticks you have, but here is a link to a site that lists the various activities and what each of them are for anyone who isn't familiar with them. (They're listed under Activity Sticks, but I use the same short activities for Brain Breaks)

  6. Great post.


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