Saturday, September 24, 2011


I'm just over the moon excited!  I have been super M-I-A for too long now.  I have just been SO incredibly busy.  I don't know what it is about this year but I just feel like I can NOT get caught up.  Sadly, I'm about to get dressed on this gorgeous Saturday morning to head up to the school for a 2-hour "power through!"  {I'm only allotting myself 2-hours so that I don't get 'ADD' and start doing projects that I'm not up there to do}. 

See! I can't even stay focused on what I'm blogging about today! ha!  
Ok, so I log on today to find I have won TWO awards!  This is SO flippin' exciting.  I love that people actually love my blog! :)  
My first award is from two awesome teachers.  Of course, I had to check out there blogs and am now avid followers.  You must check them out:
Mrs. Bremer's Kindergarten

Mommy & Me Creations
THANK YOU so much ladies for this sweet award!!!!  
The Rules:
1. Give the "I Heart Your Blog "Award to your favorite Top 10 Blogs that have touched your heart and inspired your teaching by listing them on your blog.
2. Contact that person and let them know of their heartfelt award.
3. When you receive the award, copy and paste the graphic onto your blog and give a shout out to the person who nominated you.
4. Spread the LOVE by passing the "Heart Your Blog" Award on to your Top 10.
Then, I received The Versatile Blogger Award!!!  Are you kidding me?!  I am BEYOND excited!

I received this award from another wonderful teacher, Ms. Payton!  You should totally check her out!

Now..according to the rules..I must share 7 things about myself so here we go:

1. I am in my fifth year of marriage to a wonderful man and no kids.  Enjoying the first five years of marriage with just us two has been the smartest decision! :)

2. The movie Doc Hollywood was filmed in my hometown.  One of the scenes was even filmed in my first grade teachers house!!!!

3. I recently just went on a cruise {my first} and will FOREVER take that route for all my future "girls trips!"

4. Breakfast is my favorite! So much I love and so many options! 

5. I just took over as "chair person" for our school's Relay For Life team and I'm so nervous that I'm just not going to get it together {any awesome fundraiser ideas?????}

6. I am all kinds of OBSESSED with pinterest!

7. I have become a better teacher because of Blogland.  I check my blog-roll daily in search of new inspirations.  Seriously, THIS is the best classroom! :)

WOW! Thank you again ladies for thinking of ME when giving out these awards AND thank you for all your amazing ideas that I "steal" from you on a daily basis! 
Off to school I go!

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