Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet the teacher...again! :)

First off let me say I am all kinds of exhausted after my first day back.  Holy mackrell I forgot how ridiculously tiring it is!!!  Okay, here's the meet and greet:
Tell us a little something about you:
 The above picture is of me and my hubby on our 4 year anniversary this June.  Not the best pic but it will do! :) This is actually 10 years for us this October!  Met at the sweet age of 18!
This picture is of me and my sweet friend and coworker.  I truly lucked out! I began sharing an office with my sweet friend {whose room is right next door to mine} 3 years ago and we have become inseparable.  So much so that I'm still in a kindergarten classroom surrounded by the babies with my "big kid" first graders {our Principal won't separate us's pretty awesome}.

 These sweet little pups are my babies!  Nelly {closest to the camera} is 3 and Milo is 2. They are AWESOME puppers!  But don't worry {MOM} real babies are not too, too far away!

How long have you been teaching?
This is my fourth year teaching.  I taught kindergarten for two years before moving to first.  This is now my second year in first grade and I. LOVE. IT!  My mother has been in education for 34 {?} years now and is on her way to retirement! woohoo! She was my *inspiration* for getting into education, even though she teaches at the high school level.  My husband said I'm not allowed to teach high school until my boobs are sagging to my knees! ha

You might not know...
Teaching was not my first career choice.  I actually began college interested in tv productions, then journalism, then advertising and somewhere along the way I found myself in an education course! :)  I also really would love to be a forensic scientist.  Maybe in my next life! 
Another fun tidbit:  Doc Hollywood {the movie with Michael J. Fox} was filmed in my hometown of McIntosh/Micanopy FL! Small towns are good for something!  I got to meet some of the famous actors and watch some of the scenes being filmed.  I, myself, was just *a little bit* in elementary school!

What are you looking most forward to this school year?
Mastering the art of the Daily Five/CAFE and Math Workstations.  I'm really excited to do all the activities that I've "stolen" from all of you with my kiddos.  We did Jitter Juice from Abby's Fun with Firsties package today and it was a HUGE hit!  I love that I have been able to become a better educator because of each of you.  It's just so much fun!!!

What do you need to improve?
Classroom management.  I've always been a softy and have found myself worrying that the kiddos won't like me if I'm too strict.  I would like to say that I've started off A LOT better today!  I was firm and consistent and sent one kid home with a color change. Yes, on the first day of school.  Holy macaroni!! I would also like to improve on my writing lessons.  Last year I emphasized so much on reading and literacy that I totally flaked on the writing component. 

What teaching supplies could you *not* live without?
Sharpies, baskets, colorful pens, my rolling cart easel/dry-erase board, and my mac computer!  OH and most importantly my Grande {this week: Venti} Mocha from Starbucks and my stash of bottled water!

So there you have it! I'm off to finish up some last minute stuff for tomorrow and then GO. TO. BED!!!  

Head over to Blog Hoppin' to link up!

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