Friday, July 15, 2011

DIY project!

So I have been super busy this summer teaching summer school, taking on an additional "side" job, and keeping up with friends and family!  In addition to all that, I've spent NUMEROUS hours blog stalking, playing on Pinterest, and finishing up a new stool for my classroom.

I decided to go with a pirate/beach theme and wanted to add some of that detail onto a stool for my classroom.  My wonderful parents bought me a Cracker Barrel (those are the best) rocking chair when I got my first teaching position as a Kindergarten teacher.  Even though I love the rocking chair I've decided to bring it home and save it for a nursery (which, unfortunately for my mom will not be happening as quickly as she would like).  I like the idea of having a small spot to grab a seat.  So, without further wait, here is my new stool:

 Very annoyed that this picture, regardless of rotating and modifying it, will still NOT load the correct way!  But here it is up close.

I'd hate to "toot" my own horn, but I was pretty impressed with myself.  This was a stool that I inherited during college and after putting in some elbow grease, sanded and repainted it!

On another note, I finished Math Work Stations, printed the MASSIVE amount of games (worksheets) that I collected/purchased from all of you amazing teachers and am armed and ready to enter my classroom for some MAJOR revamping.  That is as soon as I'm done reading my final summer book:

I just L.O.V.E. Debbie Diller!!!


  1. That is absolutely adorable...nice job! I want to paint a seat for my room as well, just haven't found the one I want yet. I hadn't thought of a stool though...hmmm. You've got me thinking! :o)
    Angela Just Love Teaching!

  2. Popping by to say Hi. You were spotlighted in my Blog Mixer Linky Party.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  3. TOOT away girl! You did an AMAZING job on this! SO CUTE!

  4. I love Spaces & Places. I read it every year.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  5. That stool is drool-worthy, just like Spaces & Places!

  6. I'm getting ready to re-vamp my teacher chair too. Thanks for sharing! I'm a big Debbie Diller fan!

  7. I love your stool,l thanks for sharing! Just popping in to say I love your blog.
    Teaming Up To Teach

  8. Thank you all for being so sweet! I am very proud of my stool. Not quite ready to go into the classroom yet, but I'm getting lots of ideas from all your wonderful blogs! Thanks for stopping by!!


  9. so cute!!

    I have a stool like this that I painted last year (it has a monkey on it) and that is ALL i ever use! In fact- while working in my room yesterday- I moved my rocking chair (that sat in my mom's classroom for 30+ years) out. It was just in the way!

    Doodle Bugs Teaching
    Doodle Bugs Paper

  10. Love your stool! I just finished up my chair makeover tonight and I definitely got my idea off of pinterest! Great job and love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

    Hope King

  11. I absolutely LOVE that stool! I'm definitely going to have to make one of my own! Thank you so much for posting!

  12. I love that book!! It is so helpful to read in anticipation of setting up a primary classroom!! :)

  13. Cute stool! Makes me want to go get a new chair at Goodwill. ^_^

  14. You did a fabulous job with the stool! :) Super cute!


  15. I heart Debbie Diller too!!!
    I'm constantly referencing this to get ideas for my classroom set up this year!


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!