Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ahoy Mates!

I'm SOOO excited!  After months {and I mean MONTHS} of pondering what theme I wanted to incorporate in my classroom this year, I've decided on Pirates!!!  I must say it was the inspiration of the creative mind of Jodi from Clutter Free Classroom that finally helped me in deciding on a theme!  She is just amazing!  If you have not stopped by her blog you just MUST!  I can spend hours on her blog alone!

YAY!!  On another note I can NOT put down Debbie Diller's book!  I'm excited to begin her Spaces and Places book next.  Her books are filled with so many wonderful ideas that are EASY to incorporate in the classroom.  If you're looking for some amazing FREE math station games and such head over to Lory's Page!  She has some wonderful resources!  

And finally .... I've reached 200 followers!!!!  Never thought that many people would be interested in reading about me and my adventures in teaching but I'm so excited and honored!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love it! I am doing beach/ocean/pirates...I am doing treasure map for each child for Open House to show them where their desk is... I will post it later... Anyway, cute blog and congrats on the 200!!
    First Grade Blue SKiES

  2. I had a lot of fun sailing the seas as pirates this year. We had a Pirate Party during Christmas.


  3. Jennifer...I can't wait to see that post! Love the idea also about the treasure hunt to find their desks.

    Cheryl...LOVE that idea too!!! I'm so excited!!!

    Thanks for the tips ladies!

  4. Very cute, I don't know what grade you teach but I bet your classroom is adorable. :)

  5. Cute blog! Just became a follower.

    Fun In First

  6. I'm doing a pirate theme too! Check out Deanna Jump's blog she has some great pirate stuff!


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!