Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This week we have been learning about space and astronauts and we are L-O-V-I-N-G every minute of it!
It's such a great way to end the year.  I purchased Abby's awesome mini-units on astronuats and the moon and have been creating all kinds of fun little creature.  We also spent some time learning about the rotation of the Earth and the Sun and discussing day and night.
This week we made these cute little illustrations:
I apologize for the awful glare in the pic! We took a small paper plate {the sun} and painted it accordingly.  I found a cute little Earth clipart that was perfect for coloring in.  We printed the word "sun" on the paper plate then drew arrows with chalk around the sun and the Earth to represent it's rotation {it's pointing right which is 'East'... the direction the Sun turns!}

On a side note... I have FINALLY figured out how to convert my documents into a PDF.  Be on the lookout for LOTS of goodies coming your way... FOR FREE!

Happy end to your Hump Day! :)   I have 11 days left and I. Can't. Wait.


  1. If you have an account with Brainpop Jr. they have AWESOME videos on space!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  2. PS: Love the new look! I just went to check out the Etsy shop!

  3. Thank you! I do have access to BrainPop Jr and we have watched the video on the solar system. The kiddos LOVE brainpop just about as much as I LOVE this new layout! :) The owner of dreamlike designs is SO sweet and really speedy with the installation! I would HIGHLY recommend her!

  4. LOVE your new page Kel! And...I want to be back in 1st grade to do all these awesome projects you're planning :)

  5. Your new layout is super cute! I'm still trying to decide a theme...I don't know exactly what I want or what to ask for yet! Your site is good publicity though! :)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!