Friday, March 25, 2011

10 things in 3 years...

Love all these cute link parties!  The latest.... "Ten Things You've Learned About Teaching."  Head over to Rowdy in First Grade to link up!

Okay, so I've only been teaching for three years and most of the fellow teachers who have already linked up have "stolen" some of the things I was going to share... so you may see some repeaters! :)

1.  Red Wine is truly a "case of the Monday's" cure!

2. Your "special friends" are NEVER absent.

3. The Daily Five and CAFE menu has become a saving grace in teaching my firsties to read!!!

3. The things I get most excited about has changed since college.  I went from clothes and accessories to colorful pens and storage!

4. The Dollar Tree is now my FAVORITE store.

5. I spend all my free time surfing blogs to 'steal' ideas!

6. Your best buds are fellow teachers.  We truly are the B-E-S-T!!

7.  Being a teacher doesn't get you out of jury duty :(

8. Teachers throw the best parties

9. Teachers can go HOURS without having to go pee.  This is truly amazing and remarkable!

10. At the end of the day, when you're reflecting on ALL the kiddos who make up your class, even the ones who make you want to pull your hair out or change professions, you love each and every one of them and would rather be unappreciated by the rest of society (in Florida it sure feels that way now) and be scraping by with horrible pay, then doing any other job.
I {heart} teaching!

What about you??


  1. Love your list! I am a new follower to your blog :)

  2. I agree with many of these, but especially #1! It also works well for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. ;)

  3. Amen to #1!

  4. I am agreeing with #7 right about now... I got called for county and federal within 2 weeks of each other!
    Great list! :)

    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!