Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentine's Day Party

Every year my kiddos and I declare February "heart healthy" month!  We request healthy snacks for snack time and discuss ways we can keep our hearts healthy (it ties so wonderfully into Valentine's Day)!  I don't know about you but the sugar highs my kids get from all the candy and JUNK during our holiday parties makes them C-R-A-Z-Y, which of course in turn drives me crazy!  So for Valentine's Day every year I throw, along with my kiddos, a Valentine's Day Breakfast!  
I set it up so that parents and grandparents are allowed to sign up to bring in a yummy breakfast treat and join us first thing in the morning for breakfast!  We make cards for our loved ones, make place mats, create invitations inviting our loved ones, and decorate the room.  School starts at 8:30 for us and I usually invite the families to join us for breakfast at 9am. This gives us time to come in and get settled.  The parents and/or grandparents join us for breakfast and then take their food items along with them when they leave around 9:45!  It's so awesome!  No preparing, no mess, no cleanup!  The added bonus is you now have a full day to finish all other items on your list and your kiddos aren't bouncing off the walls!!!!

I usually do a card exchange at the end of the day, however, after purchasing Deanna Jump's Valentine's Day unit, I will be helping my kiddos make Valentine's Day scrapbooks!  LOVE IT!

What do you do special for Valentine's Day?

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