Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Holy Busy Week!

My WORD!  It's only Tuesday and I'm going bananas!!  After being out from work for three days to a wonderful stint of strep throat and mono, I just don't feel like I can catch up!!!

This week we're focusing on President's, money-money-money, and getting prepared to take our first Writes Upon Request 'test'!!  Do any of you have to do Writes Upon Request in first grade?!!!  Well, my sweet kiddos are struggling to keep on topic and I sooooo want them to do well!  Not to mention I'm suppose to be introducing my kiddos to biographies, while still working on writing fantasy stories, AND completing our first anthology test!!!! (...and that's just our writing requirements....didn't even mention reading, math, and/or science and social studies)
Sometimes I wish I had super powers!! :)

On to prepare for Glee!  Searching for my glass of wine...


  1. I just found your blog and love it by the way. I also love that my website is on your teacher's favorites. What a little pick me up after a rough day. Glad you are feeling better! Have a great week!
    Michelle Oakes

  2. Isn't testing in first grade just absurd?! It drives me 12 kinds of crazy.

    I hope you found that wine...and Glee was awesome tonight, too :)

    Hope your Wednesday is better!

  3. Testing my first graders is a thorn in my side. These poor babies are feeling the sting of FCAT the minute they walk into that first grade door.

    Let's not even talk about trying to keep them on topic! I am so frustrated with writing this year. We do monthly writing prompts and even with the review every single time, I get nothing.......

    Wine and Glee......


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!