Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dollar Tree Love

 You HAVE to love the Dollar Tree as much as I do?!  I try to stop by and check out their latest goodies about every other week.  It's a weakness!  Here's what I snagged today:

 I love doing things with stars.  I already have a take home bag that is all about our Star Words.  I wrote about 40 sight words on the stars, laminated them, and then placed a little astronaut in the bag.  The students 'fly' their astronaut through the 'stars' while reciting each sight word.  

For this set of stars I simply turned them into a match and build word family set!  There was already a protecting cover on the stars so I had to use sharpie paint pens (which is a new obsession)!  I had to take a quick break because I am not pleased with my handwriting, however, they are cute!

In my student's book luggage (for the Daily Five) are their very own "magic reading glasses."  Those glasses were also purchased at the Dollar Store with the lenses popped out.  These adorable little start glasses are going to magically become my "Star Reader" glasses.  I have two purposes for them: 1. I want to 'praise' my hard working readers and encourage my struggling readers (4 different students will be picked each week) and 2. I do not have an author's chair (still doing some yard sale shopping for something cute) and thought I could have them wear these cute Star Reader Glasses when they're reading their work!  Not sure, but they were just TOO cute to pass up!

I most certainly L-O-V-E the Dollar Tree!


  1. Ummmm...Sharpie paint pens?! Whaaaat?! Where did you find those?! :)

  2. Michaels.. and they have an AMAZING color selection! :)

  3. Yes, I too am addicted to the Dollar Tree. I just posted about my finds the other day. Who doesn't love a bargain?!
    Love your cut up star activity. I already have those big stars too so I can whip them up in no time=)
    Thanks for sharing!
    F is For First Grade

  4. Great idea! So glad I just found your blog!
    Stickers and Stars 


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