Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Not sure where you stand...but I am OBSESSED with Deanna Jump's website and all of her amazing ideas! One of the recent unit's I have used in my classroom is the unit on Penguins!
My kids have loved learning all about the little guys and the activities provided in Deanna's unit are AWESOME! Here's a look at our "All About Penguins" book we just finished.

I ran out of time to make an actual penguin to use as our chart :(, however, the kiddo's LOVED placing the sticky notes onto the Schema chart and the loved learning all about the word schema. I love getting them excited about expanding their vocabulary (one of our Daily CAFE words) by telling them they are about to learn a "high school word" (I usually use "fifth grade word).

We also wrapped up our unit on Penguins by participating in a science experiment that had to do with blubber (an activity also located in Deanna Jump's unit). Of course, I forgot my camera that day! :(

We are now working on our Martin Luther King Jr. unit I took from Chalk Talk, another awesome website!

So excited for more pictures and ideas to come! I LOVE spending my nights browsing teacher blogs while sipping a glass of wine! Such a great way to end the day!

-Mrs. McHaffie

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