Wednesday, July 29, 2009

High Frequency Sight Words

During each trimester of Kindergarten the children are introduced to new High Frequency Sight Words (HFW). The California content standards call for the children to be able to read (identify) at least 30 words by the end of the school year. Special 'Word Wizard' awards are given at each trimester awards presentation to those children who can read above and beyond the expected quantity of words!

In the 1st trimester, the minimum number of words to read is ten (10) but Word Wizard awards are given to those who read 15. In our class, 35 words were introduced the 1st trimester.

In the 2nd trimester the minimum number of words to read is 20 but the award is only given those who can read 35 words. For the 2nd trimester, 80 words can be found on the front of the new homework folder. Slowly, the new word flash cards will be coming home (and can also be downloaded on the website).

The 3rd trimester is the most challenging–although the minimum required for achieving the standard is being able to identify 30 words, the award is given to those who can read 50 words!

High Frequency Sight Words are those words that are commonly used in written work and encountered when reading. There are several 'lists' available but the one we are using in our classroom incorporates the words from the Open Court Reading program as well as the approved list of words for Kindergarten.

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